小巧而典雅的維羅納,其實有很多精緻的建築細部,看起來有時候就像一幅漂亮的油畫,如果有時間多留一會,不妨細心欣賞。如果在夏季來到這裡更可不時停下來看看廣場上的街頭表演或進去露天競技場(Arena di Verona)欣賞大型音樂會,消磨上一至兩天的時間,絕不是一般旅遊團說的只値得中午坐車來吃個午飯然後行一圏便拜拜。
Saturday, June 18, 2011
藝術,真的可以顛覆世界嗎? 在這之前,我們應否先顛覆一下自己的看法?例如:不一定美麗的才叫藝術;不一定昂貴的才算上乘藝術...
JR, 一個半佚名的法國街頭藝術工作者, 用他的相機, 用大型的畫布貼上不同人的臉孔來表達世界的真貌, 在TED2011, 他許了大膽的願望: 用藝術去顛覆世界。想知道更多關於的他計畫, 以及你可以怎樣參與, 請參考: insideoutproject.net
影片來源:Ted.com/Translated by Suet Mei Hau
JR, 一個半佚名的法國街頭藝術工作者, 用他的相機, 用大型的畫布貼上不同人的臉孔來表達世界的真貌, 在TED2011, 他許了大膽的願望: 用藝術去顛覆世界。想知道更多關於的他計畫, 以及你可以怎樣參與, 請參考: insideoutproject.net
影片來源:Ted.com/Translated by Suet Mei Hau
Sunday, June 12, 2011
我想説,由於行程太緊湊,時間有限,地點太多,VB尚有很多其他精彩節目我都錯過了,包括Glasstress的展覽和Anish Kapoor的'Ascension'...嗚嗚嗚~
我想説,由於行程太緊湊,時間有限,地點太多,VB尚有很多其他精彩節目我都錯過了,包括Glasstress的展覽和Anish Kapoor的'Ascension'...嗚嗚嗚~
德意遊之八: 雙年展
寫吓寫吓...終於到了這個旅程的目的和重點,也是我首個的威尼斯雙年展經歷。我覺得自己已算很幸運,入這行才六年,四年內去過Skulptur Projekte Münster、Documenta及Venice Biennale(以下簡稱'VB')等舉足輕重的世界級當代藝術展,還沒算其他大大小小的雙年或三年展在內。
Golden Lion for Best National Participation to Germany
Christoph Schlingensief
安慰的是策展人Susanne Gaensheimer保留了Schlingensief許多footage和原始構思,讓觀眾在一個man-made的另類神殿内感受藝術家如何在自己的人生舞台上掙扎求全,深具震撼力。
Link: Vernissage TV Clip
Golden Lion for the best artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition to Christian Marclay (United States)
The Clock, 2010
無獨有偶,今年兩個藝術大獎得主都跟電影有關,看來moving images & video art在當代藝術真是獨佔鰲頭了。
Silver Lion for a promising young artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition to Haroon Mirza (Great Britain)
* * * * * * * * * *
以下是我的'Special Mentions',跟大會立場無關^O*~
French Pavilion
Christian Boltanski
'The Wheel of Fortune'
我自選的合成照也可以吧~ Beauty or ugliness by chance!
Urs Fischer
每一個觀眾在每一刻看它的面貌都不一樣。Every viewer's experience is unique.
Luxembourg Pavilion
Martine Feipel & Jean Bechameil
Le Cercle Fermé
'Today, there is no doubt that it is more urgent than ever to consider any reflection on the question of space as a work of civilisation, as a remodelling of civilisation. Modifying the everyday completely remodels our world, and that is what this is all about.' - artwork statement
James Turell (United States)
'Ganzfeld APANI'
跟光與空間來一次短暫但美麗的邂逅,也讓我想起了Olafur Eliasson去年在Ullens的作品。
Hungarian Pavilion
Hajnal Németh
'Passive Interview'
'The skeleton of the work is an experimental opera that takes place on the stage of life, relating, and reflecting on the stories of car crashes in a dialogical form: the critical moment slowed down by memory and recounted in utmost detail; the drive and the course of events leading up to that moment; as well as the complex relation of man to driving, in view of his inclination to fetishize his technical objects......In this slow replay, I perceive the very relief of the shock, the “comforting” explanation for the unavoidable crash. The fact that the outcome of this story is predetermined—as indicated by the yes-no questions of the sung inner monologues—is far from comforting, though. The opera genre is intended to convey this tension. The story begins at a car factory, and thus the story of the car, that is, its “life”, which is ended by the crash, ironically takes the place of human life at some points.' - artwork statement
Amalia Pica (Argentina)
'Venn diagrams'
'A Venn diagram is a mathematical illustration used to describe group dynamics and logical relations of inclusion and exclusion. During the period of dictatorship in Argentina in the 1970s, gatherings of citizens were closely monitored, as they were considered a threat to the government.....At the same time, Group theory and Venn diagrams were banned from primary school programs as they provide a model for subversive thought.' - artwork statement
Golden Lion for Best National Participation to Germany
Christoph Schlingensief
安慰的是策展人Susanne Gaensheimer保留了Schlingensief許多footage和原始構思,讓觀眾在一個man-made的另類神殿内感受藝術家如何在自己的人生舞台上掙扎求全,深具震撼力。
Link: Vernissage TV Clip
Golden Lion for the best artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition to Christian Marclay (United States)
The Clock, 2010
無獨有偶,今年兩個藝術大獎得主都跟電影有關,看來moving images & video art在當代藝術真是獨佔鰲頭了。
Silver Lion for a promising young artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition to Haroon Mirza (Great Britain)
* * * * * * * * * *
以下是我的'Special Mentions',跟大會立場無關^O*~
French Pavilion
Christian Boltanski
'The Wheel of Fortune'
我自選的合成照也可以吧~ Beauty or ugliness by chance!
Urs Fischer
每一個觀眾在每一刻看它的面貌都不一樣。Every viewer's experience is unique.
Luxembourg Pavilion
Martine Feipel & Jean Bechameil
Le Cercle Fermé
'Today, there is no doubt that it is more urgent than ever to consider any reflection on the question of space as a work of civilisation, as a remodelling of civilisation. Modifying the everyday completely remodels our world, and that is what this is all about.' - artwork statement
James Turell (United States)
'Ganzfeld APANI'
跟光與空間來一次短暫但美麗的邂逅,也讓我想起了Olafur Eliasson去年在Ullens的作品。
Hungarian Pavilion
Hajnal Németh
'Passive Interview'
'The skeleton of the work is an experimental opera that takes place on the stage of life, relating, and reflecting on the stories of car crashes in a dialogical form: the critical moment slowed down by memory and recounted in utmost detail; the drive and the course of events leading up to that moment; as well as the complex relation of man to driving, in view of his inclination to fetishize his technical objects......In this slow replay, I perceive the very relief of the shock, the “comforting” explanation for the unavoidable crash. The fact that the outcome of this story is predetermined—as indicated by the yes-no questions of the sung inner monologues—is far from comforting, though. The opera genre is intended to convey this tension. The story begins at a car factory, and thus the story of the car, that is, its “life”, which is ended by the crash, ironically takes the place of human life at some points.' - artwork statement
Amalia Pica (Argentina)
'Venn diagrams'
'A Venn diagram is a mathematical illustration used to describe group dynamics and logical relations of inclusion and exclusion. During the period of dictatorship in Argentina in the 1970s, gatherings of citizens were closely monitored, as they were considered a threat to the government.....At the same time, Group theory and Venn diagrams were banned from primary school programs as they provide a model for subversive thought.' - artwork statement
德意遊之六: 呢度.Lido
德意遊之五: 威尼斯的日與夜
德意遊之三: 住在米蘭
這次在米蘭選酒店只有一個大前提 - 方便。因為它是這次旅程一個重要的中轉站,無論是從香港乘飛機抵達、前往威尼斯或者是柏林也好,我都要先問過它,加上帶著行李坐飛機坐火車,我不能不選擇鄰近中央車站一帶的酒店。結果我選了這間新開而又設計簡約的Idea Hotel Milano Centrale。
可是我的房間有一個致命傷,就是沒有bath tub或shower cubicle,試想想,每次淋浴過後這裡會多了一條如何壯大的河流>.<~
可是我的房間有一個致命傷,就是沒有bath tub或shower cubicle,試想想,每次淋浴過後這裡會多了一條如何壯大的河流>.<~
Saturday, June 11, 2011
德意遊之二: 10 Corso Como
米蘭的10 Corso Como,跟巴黎的Colette,都是喜歡美麗東西的你我他必到之地,不過最好有心理準備隨時齋睇,因為大部分的東西都很昂貴呢! 動輒過千歐元一件衣服,不是人人負擔得起。不過看看也挺開心,因為看得出每一件東西都是經過精挑細選,是名牌中的名牌,極品中的極品,很難在其他地方找到,而大家所buy的固然是話事人的品味和眼光了。
10 Corso Como是一個展現多方面生活時尚的地方,它的成功或吸引之處在於其整體概念。這裡地方不算很大,卻巧妙地集精品店、書店、咖啡室、酒店、甚至展覽廳於一身,讓人很容易便能留連一整個下午。環顧刻下香港許多活化古蹟或創意產業計劃,空有規模,沒有願景,如果我們的政府能把一個小如10 Corso Como的地方辦得有聲有色就好了。
我其實對3 Rooms這間精品酒店很有興趣,不過聽說輪候名單好長呀,下次吧! 不知道內裡的房間是怎麼樣的呢? 這次只能看到這裡。
10 Corso Como是一個展現多方面生活時尚的地方,它的成功或吸引之處在於其整體概念。這裡地方不算很大,卻巧妙地集精品店、書店、咖啡室、酒店、甚至展覽廳於一身,讓人很容易便能留連一整個下午。環顧刻下香港許多活化古蹟或創意產業計劃,空有規模,沒有願景,如果我們的政府能把一個小如10 Corso Como的地方辦得有聲有色就好了。
我其實對3 Rooms這間精品酒店很有興趣,不過聽說輪候名單好長呀,下次吧! 不知道內裡的房間是怎麼樣的呢? 這次只能看到這裡。
德意遊之一: 向米蘭出發
旅程的首站是米蘭,一個我從未去過的城市。它給我的第一個印象有點破落,沒有想像中那麼繁華。我這一次最想看的其實只是10 Corso Como及Duomo,而基於來去匆匆,我甚至沒有預約去看Last Supper,下一次吧,總有機會的。
Yeah~ 終於到了這個美麗的教堂,天公造美,雨後放晴。
旅程的首站是米蘭,一個我從未去過的城市。它給我的第一個印象有點破落,沒有想像中那麼繁華。我這一次最想看的其實只是10 Corso Como及Duomo,而基於來去匆匆,我甚至沒有預約去看Last Supper,下一次吧,總有機會的。
Yeah~ 終於到了這個美麗的教堂,天公造美,雨後放晴。
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