Sunday, October 03, 2010

威尼斯遊記 (4): Trattoria

以前我的意大利文老師曾教我們:別以為在意大利所有餐廳都叫ristorante(restaurant),想吃有地道風味的意大利菜,"Andiamo a Trattoria"

"Ristorante"一般指高級餐廳,裝潢較華麗,食物水準較高,亦較齊全,價錢自然也會貴一點 (不過也有很多是混水摸魚的啦~);Trattoria則是一般餐館,提供regional / local / hearty meals,裝修大多都較為平實但很有「家」的感覺。除此之外,一般街上都有很多Pizzeria,那當然是以吃Pizza為主的了。有時也看到些叫Osteria的地方,比Trattoria再casual少少,類似酒吧戓居酒屋。

其中一晩,我去了LH介紹的餐館,那是一家有水準的Trattoria,食物端上時熱騰騰的充滿橄欖油與新鮮疏菜的香味和色澤,很刺激食慾,讓我聯想到Jamie Oliver那種率性而又authentic的cooking style!

Sea Bass in Venetian style, with olives, cherry tomatoes, potatoes + 1 ingredient that i dunno its name, it looks like but is bigger than olive, with a lot of of seeds inside.



LH said...

unknown ingredient: a kind of fresh capers : )

Green Rabbit said...

Thanks LH ^v*

Look forward to more recommendations from you soon~