Thursday, August 10, 2006



很突然、也很順理成章地,事情就這樣發生 - 像某年某天決意放下過去來追尋那朶不應在嚴冬看得見的玫瑰。


也許如此,在本年生日前這一個月,想到修行,希望可以丟棄負面能量,創出一個小宇宙 – 在那裏少點任性、執意、傲氣,多點婉約、體恤和關愛。

親愛的日記 – 請向回憶敬禮,把現在緊握,為未來播種。

親愛的朋友 – 請保祐我。

Start finally…

Suddenly and finally, it happened - I started my blog before my BD this year.

Believe it or not, there is no special reason for doing so. After all, I used to be pigheaded and irrationally spontaneous.

However, on the verge of growing older, I fancy about going off the beaten track and making changes. I need to carve a new path for the future self who will purge my old ego. I crave for a new world to be filled with empathy, humility, tranquility and wisdom.

My dear diary – please salute to my memories, seize the day and bless my future.

My dear friends – please be my guarding angels.


rmklee said...

carpe diem!! enjoy every moment!!

bunbun said...

hey keep it up, changes make every moment more refreshing..
