Thursday, October 05, 2006


You know friends,
Green Rabbit is just a metaphor out of my haphazard associations.
Completely reflexive, definitively casual.

Turns out to be a quest for something now,
Out of another folly of mine.

An idle afternoon,
An aimless search online,
And then….
What a result! Oh la la! *o*

1) Eduardo Kac
I swear I have bumped into his work a year ago, for a quite serious research frankly.

2) To catch a green rabbit: Southern euphemism
Punch on my face >.<

3) Striped Green Rabbit

Art, euphemism and a quirky bunny,
Heeee......could be a pretty realistic portrait of me.

If only life were a pilgrimage,
Pilgrim, it's a long way

To find out who you are...

A pilgrim, a rabbit, a blogger.

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