Monday, November 20, 2006

No Regrets

"The only conquests which are permanent and leave no regrets, are our conquests over ourselves."
Napoleon Bonaparte

"As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things that you didn't do."
Zachary Scott

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
James Dean

每次聽Edith Piaf 唱"Je ne regret rien", 都被她那股瀟灑自如卻又帶激昂的腔調迷住。

"Je ne regret rien" or "No regrets". 要義無反顧的說無悔此生, 問世間, 又有幾人做到? 比比皆是的卻是子欲養而親不在、尚未盡力去珍惜眼前人或放棄實現理想等等。

魯莽或愚昩、丟臉或突兀、激進或未竟全功, 未必是遺憾。

原來沒有好好努力過或盡力而為, 才叫人抱憾。

所以,當看見一眾香港市民竭力捍衛舊天星碼頭及其鐘樓,即使投下的汗水眼淚或許只是滄海一粟,肯定的卻是,他們人生的regret list上將會少一項。



Green Rabbit said...

Right things have deadlines. Like women they cannot give birth to babies when they became old.

Let's catch our stars while we are still able to :)

Anonymous said...

隨心而活 ... the best of time is NOW

Green Rabbit said...

Yeah yeah the best of time is now, that's why present is named present!

Hey have we met before?