Tuesday, August 28, 2007


多得walker給我介紹, 知道曾有這樣一個有趣的展覽, 雖已完結, 但仍找到下面那段超kawaii的短片, 出自瑞典設計工作室FRONT的手筆。

以朱古力為題的展覽可以搞得很loud很popular, 但搞不好也可以很陳腔濫調。看到網上的資料圖片, 覺得展品充滿藝術感, 卻與生活絲絲入扣。藝術, 也不盡是諱莫如深的。

我一度極愛吃朱古力, 簡直是欲罷不能, 如今我的quota已差不多用完, 卻依然懷念曾有過的那份迷戀。假若一個人從未有過像對朱古力的迷戀, 總有點若有所失吧? 像沒有愛情的人生啊!

Chocolate, 21_21 Design Sight

Statement by the exhibition director Naoto Fukasawa

The American cartoonist John G. Tullius once said, 'Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies.'*

I think chocolate is a wondrous food, one with which everyone is familiar. But it goes beyond being merely a food … it shows its face in every aspect of our lives. What would happen if we were to embrace the world through that already shared feeling is what we're trying to find out with this exhibition. Naturally, works of chocolate itself will be involved but it's not just about that. It's about seeing the world through chocolate—together.

* from The Little Book of Chocolate, Brockhampton Press, 1996, p.32


新鮮人 said...

也會使人醉心! :)

Green Rabbit said...
